Our Creative abilitiesChildren love a play fight and no one gets hurt, it’s a game, there are no winners or losers. Children make up games, the toys become the actors and characters. The dolls become princes and princesses, Superheroes or Knights in shining armour, . The childish Imagination is immensely powerful. The young develop with ease the gift of vision and the ability of holding that vision by projection. Adults pay no attention to the childish dreams but the skill of using their thoughts to create games are the same skills that are used by entrepreneurs to create empires and fortunes. Yes our thoughts manifest our reality In fact we have the ability to create life right down to the last detail simply by making plans and acting on them. We all have examples. How we had an idea and it came true. Not all manifestations are large but sometimes came as a surprise and we shrug our shoulders and tell ourselves it was a coincidence. There are the outcomes of sporting events, the prayers we make, wishes, gambling bets, predictions, propositions, the planting of seeds, hoping and trusting. What else is needed? step by step planning, making sure the idea is practicable, network resources, sharing the vision, write it down put it on the wishlist, speak with confidence. leave no room for doubt, Make positive affirmations. Connect our breath to goal. and breathe life into the vision.