
widely used as a valuable tool of self-discovery and transformation

One-2-One Dry Rebirth Sessions

Each dry rebirth includes a preliminary discussion including important issues and life experiences. During the breathing session you will be supported and guided. Allow two hours wear comfortable clothing.
Fees: Consultation Rebirth I-2-1 Per Rebirth £60
Book 5-10 Rebirths (discount rate) per Rebirth £50


Water Rebirthing

Sometimes a Water rebirth is requested for a deeper
experience we are able to organise Pool or Jacuzzi rebirths
Hot and/or Cold-Water Rebirth by special arrangement Assisted £120


Group Breathing

Group Breathing is arranged as part of a workshop prices depend upon numbers and cost of room. Can involve the setting of intention and individual processing and sharing. On average: £30 per person


Breathing Circle

One hour CCB circle group motivated as a refresher or introduction to breathwork.
Breathing Circle is sometimes arranged as part of a meeting. This is a simple CCB hour does not Price depend upon numbers and cost of room. Dress comfortably.
Cost occasionally free or up to £20 per person


Seminars and informative Evening Talks.

Held on a regular basis each talk will contain touch on important human issues with the opportunity to explore and share. There will be and opportunity for experience of CCB

Terry has developed a series of 20 or more 2-hour talks. He will be introducing rebirthing material on important causes of self-limiting. Subjects include: Prosperity, Self Esteem, Loving Relationships, Past Life Trauma, Immortality, Health and Longevity. Here will be room for discussion, a breathing session and or a guided journey.
Prices depend upon numbers and cost of room. Dress comfortably.
Cost Occasionally by donation or range from £8 or up to £20 per person


One or two Day Workshops In depth exploration of the Health, Wealth, Destiny, Love and Relationships

These workshops are designed to develop life skills, Overturn 1. Past Life Habits and Patterns, 2. Maintaining Health and Balance. 3. Developing Love Prosperity and Wealth. 4, Obtaining Courage, Goals and Visions. These workshops are powerful ways to discover new potentials and support previous learning, please contact us for the scheduled dates and costs.


One-Year training. Our commitment to you and support in your commitment to becoming a Registered Rebirther

The One-Year training will include multiple rebirths, Sessions Talks Seminars Workshops and Meetings.
This module acts as a support for all rebirthers or training rebirthers whether they would want to become register with The British Rebirth Society as an Apprentice or a full Practitioner Member.
The prerequisites for apprenticeship are to have received 10 rebirths with your Trainer. To have participated in 100 hours of breathwork training and or workshops. To have a solid grounding in the theory and practice of rebirthing breathwork. To have facilitated 10 individual sessions under supervision in training or workshop environment. To have sponsorship from a BRS member and pay the Society’s Annual fee.
There are further requisites for Practitioner Status which are achievable in the course of a year.


The British Rebirth Society Dates of General and Annual Meetings

There are 3 General Meeting plus an AGM per year also A four-day festival of Breath at the end of August/beginning of September.


Our financial policy is to make the exchange comfortable affordable by negotiation

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