Finding the backbone to make changes
The backbone connects us with our courage, Our get up and go, our self-belief and honesty. In making changes we are challenged by our fears, what was a simple matter a few years ago might now fill us with trepidation causing uncertainty, hesitation and procrastination.
Our state of health and in particular, the combined strength of the spine and core can be the ultimate deciding factor. Adopting a healthy lifestyle with good food and exercise will give the body the ability to summon up power and the willingness to encounter changes face-on. Inner strength will take us anywhere. Confidence come with good preparation, a healthy body will see to it. ‘the spine’ does not tell lies. Good habits have their own rewards.
Overcome injuries with physio and cranial sacral treatments, Make sure that you create relaxation time in your daily life. Find the pleasures interests and hobbies that make you an interesting person. Engage in a breathing session with a ‘Rebirther’ or breath worker, unlock the resistances.