There are two voices, one says yes, the other always says no. One is refreshing, the other is monotonous

The Vagus nerve, the longest nerve in the body, seated in the throat, connects with the lungs and heart and to every major organ in the torso.  Referred to as the body’s superhighway. It is the brain’s influential connection with how body is doing.  Many early symptoms arise in the neck and mouth How often do we refer to ” a pain in the neck” and “things are getting on my nerves”.  Yet carry on as if nothing is amiss. Vegus governs swallowing, vocalisation and provides parasympathetic supply to the heart. Via the Vagus we are able to make healthy decisions. Our Fight or Flight response keeps us safe. However, stress clouds our judgement, it is continual stress that causes damage to the Vagus nerve. Constantly dealing with everyday stresses over-stimulates the Vagus nerve. Overdoing it leads to a multitude of minor health problems such as hoarse throat, neck aches, muscle pain and stiffness, anxiety, mood swings, insomnia, poor digestion, possibly fainting, diabetes and more serious ailments that start with acute discomfort but if ignored become chronic.

To strengthen the Vagus nerve, moderate, relax and de-stress. Massage the muscles in the lower face and jaw, with a soft ball massage the neck from the ear to ear be gentle with the larynx. gargle loudly with water, practice humming, singing and chanting, Take time to meditate by breathing deeper and slowly, especially with a slow exhale. Receive a foot massage, immerse the face in cold water and bathe the neck with cold water,  Eat healthy wholefood, exercise and take walks, connect with nature.

Notice what happens to your thoughts as you read the last paragraph. All simple remedies. Without a doubt holistic are all beneficial.  Give yourself breathing space, allowing time for yourself is the best thing that can ever be done.  Reschedule and have satisfaction from the changes you make.